Unable to Open email in Hotmail Account
Unable to access Hotmail
If you are having trouble accessing your Hotmail account then it may be an indication that there is some problem with your security settings or might also be an issue with your Internet cache. You can try below solutions to access your Hotmail account:
Fix Date and Time on PC
It may be a reason of you not being able to access your Hotmail as incorrect date and time setting on PC can cause some confusion in the Outlook server. So verify and if incorrect then set your Date and Time properly on PC.
Clear Internet Explorer cache
You need to clear your Internet Explorer cache and cookies. You can do so by opening IE and then click Tools>Delete Files>Delete Cookies.
Change your IE settings
You need to check your IE settings of above two solutions don’t work. You can do so by launching IE and then click Tools>Internet Options>Advanced. Now scroll to the Security section and you need to verify that Check for Server certificate revocation option is unchecked. The Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 should be checked and then click “OK”. Now Click Start>Run and then you have to enter the following code: regsvr32 softpub.dll. Now you click “OK” and then you have to restart IE. Now you can try to login again into your Hotmail account.
Hotmail Sign In problem
You may be entering inappropriate email id and password then check that you enter correct password. As password is case sensitive, so check if caps lock is ON or OFF.
You can also clear browse history or try to sign in to your Hotmail account from a different Internet browser.
If you forgot your password, then reset your password and then try to log in to your Hotmail account with this new password.
Unable to open or check Hotmail
You need to check and correct Time and date on your PC. Alternatively you can clear cache and cookies. If both do not work you can try and change IE settings.
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